This website is for you, who love Portuguese, culture, technology and is interested in learning and teaching this beautiful language.
When I first started teaching, it was very difficult to find online materials for teachers and students. Here will find great information to make your lessons much more interesting and creative. After coming accross to some relevant websites, I decided to save and share them here for teachers and students.
Is a site created to provide speakers of other languages and teachers of Portuguese with the resources they need to connect to everything related to Brazil, including its language, people and culture.
Portuguese is the fourth most learned language in the world. It is really great to see how quickly the interest and curiosity foreigners are having toward Brazil. This is a very exciting time to share and to teach Portuguese - because when you teach a language you teach CULTURE.
Welcome to iLovePortuguese!
Check out Portuguese Language Events around the world.
Teachers will find here great resources, ideas and ways to create exciting lessons for any subject related to teaching Portuguese.
Check it out!
This section is for you, kids and adults. I hope you enjoy and take advantage of the tools available on this session.